Our first play through was a bit hit and miss as Brian had wanted to introduce some extra features, but eventually we decided to just try for the basic rule set. We did get a decent sense of the current version of the rules (although there is a more advanced version undergoing playtest).
Here we see our adventurers, a fairly random group. A sleepy dwarf, a drinking crossbow dwarf (sounds like a safe companion), and well dressed halfling, and a scantily clad half orc with a big axe.

Play started in the entrance room/stair case at the bottom of the picture. You roll on flow charts to generate what lies beyond each door (a room, a hallway, a turn). You also need to check the door for traps, attempt to deactivate, attempt to open. Once the door is opened you dice up what the room contains (nothing, chests, monsters or a combo of the above). The many dice throws seemed a bit repetitive and slow at times, but I expect as you get more familiar with the rules and results it would go faster.
The tables are also devised around each adventure, so you can flavour the likelihood and types of traps, which monsters occur, what type of chest loot you get, etc.

It was also amusing, as a roleplayer, to consider what we did with the fellow. Just dump him at the entrance and tell him to wait for us? Guard our backs mister nearly dead, we'll be back for you soon. Hope there's no monsters coming and going from the dungeon.
As the rooms are generated with monsters, you dice off the location of the monster. The basic rules call for 6x6 rooms (all of them), we varied things a bit for fun. Also I kept forgetting to take pictures each time a room was set up with monster. Too busy hackin' and slashin'. The extra bits in the room where placed by us to make things look more interesting. Most of the rooms seemed to have monsters in them, but this was mostly our weird luck.
To the right you can see the first "corner" has been generated.

We couldn't figure out if you could just endlessly try and open the chests if you failed. The chart suggested maybe you could, but we thought that would be pretty dumb. Only one chest opened to our attempts, it contained an antidote. It also had a poisoned needle trap. Bit amusing really, a net gain of nothing as the trap hit the poor searcher.
Detecting traps, and opening doors are based on wits and dex. You score represents the number of dice you through, looking for a 5+ as a success. In the latest play test version certain tests need a certain number of successes to actually work.

Hmmmm, 3 chests. I think maybe the other one had a healing potion which was consumed almost immediately. Despite the monsters seeming to be pretty much chaff to slow us down, they would wound occasionally. Also the traps on doors were successful from time to time.
Like the regular tests, you roll a number of dice as your attack value (with bonus dice from weapons). The number of successes are soaked by a roll of defense value (with bonus dice from armour). The difference of the successes on attack vs defense is the amount of life you lose. Reminded me a lot of heroquest actually.

To the left are entrance +4 rooms, 2 corners, and 1 hall.
You are looking for the 'great door' which hides the objective and a horrible monster. The great door can't be opened without a special key, which is found randomly in a chest (so you can get it before the door).
There are a certain number of rooms/hallways/corners that can be explored, and then you start getting a bonus on certain rolls for each additional one explored. This bonus increases the likelyhood of generating the great door. Once the great door is found, you will automatically find the key in the next chest.
Our problem was we weren't encountering many chests.

Monsters act according to 'laws'. Goblins for instance will only attack a hero who is in base to base with another monster. Orcs charge in towards the closest. The final boss frenzied and attempted to attack a new hero each round. While fairly cool, some of the laws seemed open to abuse unless amended slightly. As written it would appear goblins won't charge you at all if unengaged, and you are guaranteed a ranged shot against them [which will trigger one of their attacks] which can often kill. You could therefore one shot a lot of goblins with zero risk.

This was a pretty cool feature actually. It took us a bit of time to experience the 'wing darts' which are a wall of darts that attack the entire party in a given room/hall/corner. Late game we had 2 members at 1 life, so they would wait a whole room back. This meant that for most of the fight it was 2 vs the monsters in the room.

A rumble in the alchemy lab....
The door on the left actually ended up being the 'great door'. Cleverly due to placement, it made sense that another door which would lead into the same room was also a great door. We went off to hunt for some chests to find the key.
As can be seen, the dungeon has expanded quite a bit. We are now working our way down the lower left hand part of the table. The grand door room will be placed on the top right.
A crypt!. Only 2 orcs against 2 adventurers....easy pickin's. Note the other 2 adventurers way back up the hall? This is during the phase of the game where they were down to 1 life. Drunky crossbow dwarf was getting flack from his friends for avoiding close combat and only shooting stuff. It didn't matter that he was way better at shooting, only that he wasn't soaking up his share of hits.
How could he be better at shooting? There is a trait called 'weapon master' that allows you to be successful on a roll of 4+ (rather then 5+) with a given weapon. Great skill on the attack. There are numerous skills.....but we didn't get to use them. First game is for basics.
After clearing out the crypt, we headed up and to the right (The crypt room is a bit funny as there are 3 doors on the same wall. Technically illegal by the rules.......but the rules assume all 6x6 rooms).
At long last we encounter a chest room and score the key and some healing potion, and some gold. A measly 2 gp. This is about 1/3 of what a single goblin gives. Totally lame.
Incidentally, monsters also give xp. After every 120xp accumulates, you divvy it up to the group. Once you get a certain amount of xp, you can burn it to level up, or you can buy a skill with it. Leveling gives you build points which can boost attributes (you spend what the new attribute will be i.e. it costs 2 to go to 2). The newer rules seem to change skills costs to build points, which in my mind makes more sense as it could be abuseably over the long term to have it be cheaper to buy skills than level.
The adventurers bust into the final room. It's all laid out what will be in there based on the scenario, although actual placement is random. A massive troll is our final enemy. The final enemy doesn't have life points/wounds. Instead once you land a hit of X wounds, you roll on a table (1d6+X). You need a 7+ to kill the beast. A 6 will give you a permanent +1 on the kill roll, while a 1-5 are ignored. We got the rule wrong for a few rounds so the fight seemed really tough for a bit.
The chaff orc and goblins were cleared first. Given that we still had one adventurer with 1 life, and the troll would cycle through adventurers to attack, there was a good chance we might lose a player.
We started to play with the pushback rules which should have been used the whole time. A successful hit (regardless of whether the defense successes outnumber or not) pushes a model back a square.
It was sorta annoying, because you have 2 actions a turn, which means if you stand still you can attack twice (as far as we, the cursory rule readers, know). I think the pushback rule probably helps break up static battle lines and makes it less formulaic for the adventurers to manage combats. But we'd have to play longer with them to know. Certainly clearing out the larger maze was not a problem once we all leveled up once. It might be more of a function of a 'low level' adventure though.
Drunky manages to spit the troll as I recall (although I played drunky). The ranged combat rules definitely need some changes. You can only fire on the straight, and we didn't think there was a problem firing through allies. We may, of course, have missed some rules though.
Overall I'd give Dungeon Plungin a "play it again sam". Although with revisions. Given that there are updated (although being play tested) rules, I'd probably try those. Bryan is keen on bringing in some sort of critical hit chart. We thought that carrying wound penalties might be a fun addition as well. Since these are totally negative additions for the players, it might suggest this game is a bit easy for us. Might be well balanced for younger players though.
Dungeon Plungin can be found HERE, along with printouts of boards and monsters if you lack the necessary gear to play.