Friday, December 31, 2021

2021/2022 Zen: Failure at nothing or success of nothing?

An obligatory new year post. I made no hobby resolutions this year so..... I win? It seems a bit weak though. Much like 2020, the year 2021 has been disrupted by small children, covid, and the sundries of life.

I was able to get in a couple of wargames with friends (in person!). A couple of blog posts were created. And towards the end of the year I had a burst of painting productivity (which shall most likely be revealed in the near future). I have managed to stay *somewhat* productive in other parts of the year with cleaning of minis, and assembly.....but honestly they don't make for much interest in a post.

Matakishi's teahouse has a hobbystreak thing he has done. I guess he posts a pic on twitter everyday. I do take a lot of photos that just never really make it off my phone into the blog for one reason or another. I am toying with the idea of having a feed that the blog links to that at least shows I'm alive and productive. Noteworthy results would merit full posts. Something to ponder as a project for the new year. 

Dawn of the lead has a great 2021 recap. I was a bit inspired when I first read it. Now it's a bit of a leap to 'commit' to a resolution. I think that I will try to:

1/. revisit the "Tray of Shame" and get some of the crud out of there.  

2/. jump start a stalled project

I leave you with the best hope and wishes for the coming year...may things improve next year. Please enjoy the pictures of art brought home by my daughter which makes me think she has had close encounters with the Cthulhu 'Mythos'. 



Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Romanian Tacam R2 Tank Destroyer - 28mm 3d print

 I'm recently been chipping away at a variety of figs and this one is close enough for photos! 


I have been possessed to paint up a 28mm Romanian WW2 force. It seems like a perennial scale/period that comes back again and again (with different rules. Many years ago I read a book: '3 axis, 4th ally' which was an interesting look at the Romanians. Conveniently, for wargaming, they swapped sides late in the war and started attacking the Hungarians (who they really didn't like) and helped push on Germany. This means I have a bigger scope of opponents I can fight 'historically'.