I must say that I quite enjoyed the system. It plays with about a half dozen figs per side, on a 3x3 board. Turns are capped at 6 and you have to hurry to acheive results. There is a card dynamic that creates challenges for your teams to overcome, as well as induce troubles for your opponent. I believe, door to door (my arrival to leaving) was 3 hours, including socializing and setup. Needless to say if you know the game you'd probably be able to crack out a full session in 90 minutes or less. Fantastic stuff.
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Objectives. Freeze ray & boxed items |

My gang of erstwhile (and potentially evil/mercenary) explorers.
Bottom of turn 1. The explorers moved on from the bottom edge, the Mi Goh the top. Explorers shooting saw 2 robots knocked down in the top left. They would recover effortlessly. Green tokens note moved models, the yellow is a reduction in firepower (do to shooting and/or running), red is a wound.
Ghosts and graveyards in the centre create zones of perilous movement, which means your opponent can accost you with his cards to create headaches for you. The objectives are scattered in a rough X across the board.Top right a Mi Goh is well placed to seize a box. Bottom right my ginger fella, 'red', is ready to bound over some barrels to seize an objective himself. My leader in the red trenchcoat on the bottom left is close to the freeze ray.

The Mi Goh used a bunch of 'gadget' points, and one received a jet pack type device. This critter (in the bottom right) would cause me a lot of heartache all game long, as he was quite resistant to gunfire and a bit of combat monster (literally and figuratively).

Alternative view of turn 1.

While others (fruitlessly) blaze away at the Mi Goh, red rushes over to seize an objective.

Bottom of 2. You can see the ghosts have moved a bit. One of my figs is in the centre tree stand, getting ready to take the major objective (the blood spattered oil painting).

Follow up gunfire finally puts the hurt on this guy (red token).

An interesting thing to note about cards is that each player gets one at the beginning of a turn. One of the objectives will give you another per turn. On of my followers was able to burn his action to gain another card....this ended up being VERY useful. The cards are entirely responsible for me doing well this game.

Dan is chasing after the Mi-Goh (in the background) trying to shoot him Ded.

Nick, my 2nd in command is standing by the centre tree, exchanging gunfire with the other Mi Goh. He is also blocking a charge at Bob, who is furiously puzzling out how to get that darned major objective. .

Turn 5 sees the Mi Goh activate a teleport device, passing into an alternative dimension. Next turn (the last!) he will be able to appear anywhere within 12 inches, and then activate. Could easily assasinate Bob, now (finally) carrying the major objective. Bob will run for cover in the buildings nearby in turn 6.

Turn 6 ended swiftly. The Mi Goh attempting to eat Red is downed in a hail of crack gunfire from my leader (despite being encumbered by both the freeze ray AND a box of xenon).
The teleporting Mi Goh rematerializes near Bob (covering in the portico of a building). The fates strike as the Mi Goh pulls a card indicating the teleportation has gone awry. He takes a hit and loses his activation, thereby losing his chance to toss a fizzing grenade (or alient analog [yet another card]) at Bob.
The same card that caused the problem induces the ghosts to move, and creepily (and randomly) they end up clustered around Bob and the Mi Goh. There must be something about the blood spattered oil painting! (*creepy music*).
Thoughts on the game:
Amazing! It helps that Thomas has a nice setup of fully painted, good looking terrain and models. The rules themselves are fast to pick up, and fast to play. The ability to control who activates by the iniative player is a great feature that makes for some hard decisions, and keeps each player constantly invested.
Combat is opposing dice rolls, and the cards are super fun. It feels a bit like GMT games such as Twilight Struggle or Unhappy Prince Charles where your card hand is always a tough decision about whether to use a card to help yourself or to hassle your opponent.
I'm hoping to get some more chances to play, and intend on grabbing the rules myself in the not too distant future.