Wednesday, October 9, 2024

AAR: Fields of Glory Carthage Vs Rome

Some more eye candy from a game
I had in July with Nate at the local game store. We both managed to have some time off midday for a quick game, so played on the lower end of the points scale. Nate always harangues me to field my elephants to they hit the my detriment. They are such a glass cannon....a bad roll can really have them go poof with achieving little. 


Overall we agreed my strategy/tactics were superior but my dice were abysmal and it was a clear defeat before our time ran out. Carthage (me) managed to have a flanking force that arrived. My match ups were....mostly equal and better in a spot or two. Amazingly my kill rolls (do your bases actually go poof) were TERRIBLE (worst we have ever seen) and my army was rapidly whittled away. Once it starts you are on the back foot.


The flanking light cavalry raced in to sack the Romans camp (proxied by a library card). This, in theory, should have made it easier to break the Roman force and sweep them from the field. 




Wednesday, June 12, 2024

2024 Enfilade - eye candy post

 Enfilade lost it's venue in early 2024 (redevelopment of the hotel into condos) and they managed to find an alternative venue in Tacoma. The main game room was pretty snug, and as a result very loud. Vendors were in the hallway just outside which hopefully didn't affect their sales too much. The bring and buy was surprisingly full.....hard to know if it was because of a different room configuration or actual greater volumes. 

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

2024 Enfilade - Last ride of the Dust Devil Boys

 Friday traffic was awful and I got to the convention late, so my signed up game had filled. I ended up hoping into the game my friend James ran. Each player made a cowboy (points to buy equipment and ability upgrades). My cowboy, The Book Man, had a thoroughbred horse, charm, and mad horse skillz. Order of play was by a deck of cards with facecards giving some minor bonus. 



The outlaws have made their last big score and are racing towards Mexico with the largest posse every assembled coming after them. Resistance is futile, they have to escape, but only glory lives forever so their job is to get the most renown (individually). 

I forget some of the names, but 'Kissing Kate', Lord Byron <something>, and Rusty Red (?) I think made appearances.


Wednesday, May 29, 2024

GdC Battle of Occana - Enfilade 2025 Napoleonics Game

 At enfilade this year my friends managed to host games in all slots so snared a table all weekend. It made setup breakdown and storage a lot easier. Saturday midday we ran Ocana with Guard du Corp rules (a convention ruleset made by Doug and Seth). 

Ocana is a rare battle where the Spanish fight the French in large numbers with no support. The Spanish have taken strategic initiative and are advancing on Madrid from North and South. The French don't notice the Southern approach at first and a mere 35 miles from Madrid there are some initial encounters that have the Spanish counter march and daddle. Soon the French have raced reinforcements to counter this thrust. 

The day before the battle sees a huge cavalry action where the Spanish come off poorly. This is important as the right wing of the Spanish army is a VERY brittle cavalry formation facing enthused and strong French cavalry. The line of defensive was well chosen as on the right was a gullied river that blocked the Spanish from advancing on the Left wing. 


Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Star Wars Reinforcement; Probe Droids, Speeder Bikes, Zero G Troopers

 A bit late for May the Fourth, but I hadn't even been working on these for that reason. So....serendipity. Probe droids and the bikers are some found stls printed out. I had a couple of rounds of resizing to try and make them match my other figs (it's hard to size sitting folks and comparing them to slightly hunched rifle firing ones). 

The zero - G troops are some old sculpts from Ground Zero Games. I *think* NAC but could be mistaken. They are definitely the previous generation of sculpt and have languished in my pile o lead for a LONG time.









Sunday, March 10, 2024

Space 1889: Kraag Warriors unboxing

Hopefully I don't scare off any potential readers with the term unboxing. I must say that I find the genre (notably on youtube) to be enormously boring and uninteresting. When I popped open this box I could feel the vintage leaking from the plastic wrap and disappearing into the sky so I thought I should take some photos.

Space 1889 is, of course, the colonial/victorian adventures on mars where everybody wants 'liftwood' that only grows there to allow for playing naval vessels. I played in a RPG campaign that was fun, and there are a lot of wargaming aspects that predate the rpg. 

The martians come in 3 flavors (which I suspect match the general racist categorizing that happened around egypt/sudan at that period of history): canal martians (civilized), hill martians (nomads) and mountain martians (feral/slavers/flyers). These are the latter, and live in fortified vertically oriented mountains fastnesses that they raid for slaves from. Easy fodder for villains. The Belgians are also the canonical bad guys resulting from their rapacious activities in Congo that are duplicated on mars. 


 The castings are quite clean with respect to mold lines. There is an alright amount of variation. One thing I quite like is all of them are duplicated in flying and non flying poses. Even better, they come with stout flying base equipment (metal bases! precut wire!)

Perhaps the most nostalgic part of this was the booklet that came enclosed. It gave information about martians in general and mountain martians in particular. And then it gave painting directions! They even describe various techniques like washes and glazes without formally calling them that. How retro. How useful in the age pre internet.

These figs are still available through RAFM, a Canadian company. I suspect RAFM has a bit of a twilight existence, but they still have some old minis with charm (including 15mm traveller stuff, and 25mm fantasy). They had a bit of a resurgence a decade or two ago with some sort of modern rule set.

My interest in 1889 was piqued by some photos and reading some war game reports. It's already slipped to the backburner again, but hopefully these charming figs will see some paint before too much time passes.


Monday, March 4, 2024

15mm bug aliens XCOM Sigma Event (Eye Candy)

A random post on facebook about looking for starship trooper bugs had me respond with a suggestion. Surely I have a picture I thought to myself.......nope. So quickly I created a eye candy shot. The real pictures will have to wait, but this felt cool enough I ought to post it without much to add. 

Blue/orange guys, and yellow/green flyers are from the Sigma Event 2077 kickstarter (still available from Clear Event Horizon). I went for colours that lined up with XCOM Chrysalis. 

The big all mouth no head guy is from CP minis (checkpoint minis is the recent name change/revision). Painted as a XCOM reaper. The streamlined head on tentacles from the same vendor. Painted as a Seeker.