Friday, October 25, 2024

Hammfest 2024 - don't roll sixes

Some eye candy pictures of one of the side games at Hammfest this year. 

Doug has hosted a weekend of gaming in Surrey, BC each August for many years. As is the norm our big Saturday game was a General du Corp (multi corp, divisions as moving element) game. Usually there are some other smaller games on the Friday and Sunday as well (and later Saturday if we are still full of energy). This year I got a chance to play 'don't roll sixes'. I believe it was first trailed at enfilade in May, and comes as a big of an evolution of hussar rampant (inspired by dragon rampant) and Doug's frequent claims that he can't roll 6's to save his life. Thus.......6's are bad news in this game. 




We were encourage to bring a squad or two (12 or 6) of dark ages minis. I was planning on showing up with hobgoblins but my painting schedule fell apart. Luckily there were heaps to go around. A raid on a small village opposed by the defenders makes an easy set up. 





Units require an activation roll (don't roll a six). You roll dice equal to the BNP (bad news points) you carry. Roll any 6's and you fail, and gain a BNP. Rallying reduces BNPs. Combat hits add to BNPs (and dice roll for a real casualty....don't roll a six). When you BNPs exceed your figs in a unit figs disappear for each extra BNP you get.....makes units pretty resilient for a while and then dissolve like sugar in the rain. 

Usually you are good for one solid combat then spend a bunch of time rallying (ah yes, 4 BNPs, I roll 5 dice....don't roll a six. Damn. Damn again. F*CK ME. YAY! down to 1 BNP). With a couple units per player game play is fast. Just what you want for a convention. There's some special rules for leaders (very powerful), armour (ignore first casualty), skirmishers (can't remember), and ranged weapons (archers as well as thrown weapons). 


It's pretty lean and in evolution. While incredibly frustrating to rally at times (and you GAIN BNPs with failed rallies. ugh) it's largely a hoot. I felt like the rallying should maybe let you pull one BNP even on a failed roll (or at least not gain any) but it's my first play so my opinion didn't carry a whole lot of weight at the time. 




The painting was well done by the crew and there were lots of fun figs from different manufacturers. Ron brought a squad of armored valkyries. James had some Irish Kern with scary big dogs. Doug had a heap of (probably) old glory dark ages figs quickly done with contrast paints. Movement stands were a bit short to begin with but with lost units and casualties everything sorted itself out quick enough.  















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