Wednesday, October 9, 2024

AAR: Fields of Glory Carthage Vs Rome

Some more eye candy from a game
I had in July with Nate at the local game store. We both managed to have some time off midday for a quick game, so played on the lower end of the points scale. Nate always harangues me to field my elephants to they hit the my detriment. They are such a glass cannon....a bad roll can really have them go poof with achieving little. 


Overall we agreed my strategy/tactics were superior but my dice were abysmal and it was a clear defeat before our time ran out. Carthage (me) managed to have a flanking force that arrived. My match ups were....mostly equal and better in a spot or two. Amazingly my kill rolls (do your bases actually go poof) were TERRIBLE (worst we have ever seen) and my army was rapidly whittled away. Once it starts you are on the back foot.


The flanking light cavalry raced in to sack the Romans camp (proxied by a library card). This, in theory, should have made it easier to break the Roman force and sweep them from the field. 





Classic to end up with skirmishers/light foot trapped in the middle. Luckily they can pass through the heavy infantry to clear the lines.

Things are looking good were with the Romans flank hanging wide open. The camp sacked in the back, and the elephants getting close. This is the high water mark for Carthage.







 I'm waiting for success.....somewhere. The right flank isn't happening. The Romans turn their forces around to drive off the light cav. And my own cavalry doesn't do great in a head on fight against heavy foot. I'd love to generate a 2:1 cav on anything but nate has enough troops to make a continuous line. Foiled!

Send in the Elephants!






 Where did those elephants go? Double 1's when you lose a combat are bad news. Poof!






 In fact, things are going pear shaped and poofing all along the line of contact. It's startlingly fast how fast everything goes to hell and my force takes leave of the field.


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