Wednesday, June 12, 2024

2024 Enfilade - eye candy post

 Enfilade lost it's venue in early 2024 (redevelopment of the hotel into condos) and they managed to find an alternative venue in Tacoma. The main game room was pretty snug, and as a result very loud. Vendors were in the hallway just outside which hopefully didn't affect their sales too much. The bring and buy was surprisingly full.....hard to know if it was because of a different room configuration or actual greater volumes. 


  1. That Mario kart game is pretty hilarious. In a good way I mean. 😀

    1. I generally think of hilarious being a good thing myself. A good theme for a fun time game.

  2. Fantastic photos Dave. Thanks for posting these.

    1. no problem. Apologies to all commentors for the long period of silence.

  3. Thanks for the photo roundup Dave. Very enjoyable.

  4. Looks like they had some great looking tables at Enfilade.

  5. I thought the convention was pretty great this year. I got to play in that Conquistador game and it was great. The new venue was a little tight, as you say, but there was enough room at the end of the day AND the hotel is now a short jog from Devil Reef, the best Tiki Bar to be found in the A.O. Huge plus. The Bring and Buy was out of control this year. Last couple of years it has been a little thin. I spent way too much money there this year.

    1. Tiki bar you say!?! That is a fair bit intriguing.

  6. Which Mariokart track is that? It looks so familiar, but maybe that's just because its so well made. Either way, terrific pix! Hope you had a blast!

    1. Sorry you were trapped in moderation so long! I'm not too seems to be a pretty short track so would be surprising if it was a real level. It looks really well done channeling the feel and things you'd see in the background.
