Thursday, January 4, 2018

New Year Resolution Post 2017/2018

The blogosphere is busy with people posting their year end/beginning posts, and I though I might as well join in. It felt a bit of a dismal year with regard to hobbying, as I've done miserably little painting lately. Looking back, however, it seems I achieved a lot more than I currently 'feel'.
I finished ~70 infantry, 12 cavalry in 28mm, and >200 infantry and >50 cavalry in 15mm....and 2 elephant. Numbers that make you feel good.

From a resolution point of view I even achieved 3 of 4 goals. Another feel good moment. Obviously aiming low is the way to do it. I suspect I should have my resolutions somewhere visible, or review them or something.
2017 Resolutions
1/. Get a FOG force table ready CHECK. Carthaginians whoo!
2/. Attend Enfilade again with at least one command worth of troops CHECK Heavy french cav Hah!
3/. Resurrect a failed resolution FAIL
4/. Host 2 games this year Check. I managed to get some 'all units engage' played, which although my opponent had his own painted figs, I *COULD* have fielded both sides.

Life wise, we have had a baby this year, so I suspect that the drop in hobby time I have had will probably worsen. I started bee keeping in the summer, which is also another pull on time, and the yard work transformation of the home continues. Spring/Summer is most likely a write off. I'll have to be clever about what I honestly think I can finish this year.

2018 Resolutions
1/. Document my work better/Increase blog posts.
I feel like there quite a few things that I finish that never get pictures, or never get blogged. It's great to see your success at the end of the year.  I will informally target at least 24 posts this year.

2/. Attend Enfilade (again) with a (new) French command.
This will be the 3rd year. Cleverly I will be getting quite close to having enough troops to field both sides of a fight.

3/. Don't be a lurker. Be a commenter. 
An interesting post, and the resulting comment thread has me a bit worried about blogging. I hope that the 'death of the blogosphere' is oversold.....but the move to facebook is to the detriment of the community in my mind. I'll do a real post on this, but I resolve to comment actively on most postings I see. Build the community, give positive reinforcement to those who write rather than post a pic on social media.

4/. Finish two 'in progress' batches of figures.
 There's so much lying around from small groups to hordes. This *shoudn't* be hard.


  1. Good resolutions mate.
    Real life should always trump hobby, so you shouldn't worry about that stuff. For me, I'm just happy to see new posts as and when they pop up.

    You have good and achievable resolutions and I think ended up indeed with a very productive 2017 regardless of posting frequency.

    Am with you on the deterioration of the blogging scene though. As with forums, the newer (And in this case easier/lazier) social media outlets that become available are indeed killing the blogging arena. Which is sad, because as you've mentioned, its more rewarding to write/read through an interesting post and offer up a comment in return in my opinion than to just scroll through a "feed" and "Like" a picture.

    Rather sad really, but I don't see this changing at all as we get older. :/

  2. Your year in review is impressive- that is good output! Your goals for 2018 are reasonable I think. As for blogging vs. social media I agree: Facebook is a crappy platform for viewing hobby content. Although blogging may be declining in general, I think it will always have a place for people in creative hobbies like ours.

    1. I agree! I was astonished at all the stuff that popped up when I looked at the year in blogging. Another great argument for actually writing it up I suppose.

  3. Dave, you are wayyyy more organized than me. That's a good list of accomplishments and a good list of goals.

    1. I don't typically thing of myself as very organized in a hobby way. I'm pretty organized otherwise though...maybe it's leaking through.

  4. Most impressive review, well done!
