Columns are marching to the front! Doug of Dots of Paint Blog is organizing another battle at Enfilade this year. Once again he has mind tricked a number of us to paint up 'our own' forces to play at his game. Very clever strategy I must say. I have grabbed the Guard command for this one and expect that every gun on the table will be used to destroy them before they contact anybody.

My figs are from the victrix old guard box. Doug kindly sent along some surplus Chassuer heads as the box is strictly for the guard. With 60 figs it's probably great for most systems but General du Corp (GdC) only uses 8-10 models on a single base for a brigade. Only 10 bear skins with monkey butts needed! I do have to say after a marathon of plastic assembly in December I totally appreciate the simpler Perry and Warlord figures over the highly detailed and fiddly Victrix ones.

The flags came with the box, which was great, but the red all flaked off when I was folding and gluing them. Budget! I ended up painting the missing bits, but hope it won't worsen/continue.
In what will likely give Doug a spike in blood pressure, I've now painted all the figures that I have from my command. I'm waiting for a shipment for the remaining troops: 2 artillery (8 figs + 2 cannon) and Heavy Cav (3 figs).

Given my....dilute focus, and the likelyhood I'll batch paint up some extra stuff at the same time, I may face a time crunch to finish them on time.
Here's hoping the post from the UK speeds up a bit from it's recently dismal speed...