Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Bump: Repair the blog social network

 Stew over at 'A Terrible Loss of Lead and Wealth' blog wrote a funny and thoughtful post on his 5 year blogger-versary. It's about the types of posts that get comments (Look it posts) vs simply lots of hits (Resource posts). 


Lest you think that it's about search engine optimization (*shudder*) it's actually about community. He talks about the boost one gets from comments, and indeed the bloggers that swap comments over years and become a type of friend you probably have never met.

He then encouraged readers to comment, and 'bump' another blog (like his own, but in theory this works in the generic sense). This totally resonated with me as I feel like there are a lot of 'broken links' from blogs gone dark, and people who maybe feel lonely blogging and not realizing there are still clusters of very active friendly blogs happening. I have been pretty bad about not commenting lately so I'm going to pick my heels up a bit. And I'd like to bump Stew's blog. 

It's got painted minis and projects and action reports to look at. And it's active. It just might be your jam....


  1. Nice "Bump" David, and in the spirit of Stews Crie du Couer, I thought your blog could do with a few more comments too, so I am leaving one! Apparently, you have 56 followers, which is possibly more than me, but doesn't look like many are leaving you regular comments - lets hope that changes a bit!

    1. I hope that I leave comments more than 2% of the time.....but sometimes when life is busy I probably don't. Social media really creates a torrent of pictures and information to try and drink from. So I try and appreciate there are probably lots of busy people and some follows that have gone dark. Thanks for the active comment!

  2. Whenever I visit a blog I always find myself scrolling through the My Blog List; I quite often end up on blogs I never or rarely visit. The My Blog List is a great way to help keep the blogoshere social.

    1. Totally agree. Before I made a blog and had my own follow list I'd do a random walk though blog lists. Dropzone horizon has the initial landing site for a long time....

  3. this was a good read.
    i've been asked why i started a blog, mainly its so i can share with folks what i do within the wargaming hobby and instead of unloading tons of pics i just pass along a link.
    i have many posts on my blog w/o comments or such and that's fine with me.
    i only like to get surprised when i do get views on my blog from outside my gaming group or circle of friends.

    1. Thank you. It is delightful when you start to have regulars you've never met swapping comments on your blog. How did this magic happen!?!
      I rather like the blog format as a record of activity. Streams on most social media are terrible at a timeline or even finding old stuff.

    2. i think the magic took place when we were discussing old school Necromunda on the Miniatures of Wrath blog page. and yeah here we are.
      i agree on the blog being use as a visual record on productivity and gaming alike.

  4. Wow! Thanks for the bump Dave. I’m glad you enjoyed the read. I hope we have more online interactions. 😀

    1. I hope so as well. This sudden surge in community activity may inspire me to catch up on picture taking and posts....

  5. True Dave, and I stand guilty of not having commented as often as I should have on your blog.

    1. I am guilty as well! We can only strive to do better (and accept backsliding occasionally).

  6. Hi Dave, taking a lead from you and following back. I am looking forward to going through your blog.

  7. Comment, comment, must remember to comment. Also adding blogs to my reader!

    1. Ha. Seriously. Commenting is like a habit....or not. It's hard to change habits.

  8. I've come over from Stews blog, I like your shelves of shame idea but I think it would take up too much time for me to do it!
    Best Iain

    1. Good god I forgot about them! No wonder my shame continues. I better get a giddy up on.
