This group played 1st ed for many years, so the new army lists in the 2nd ed are not utilized by them. The actual army lists played this day only differentiated with slight differences in troop quality and proportion of medium to heavy guns. The french (with higher troop ratings [morale]), ended up with a noticable deficiency in horseflesh. One of the gripes of our host is that he has to create both sides of the army typically (as he is the most familiar with the rules and has the book). I'd actually be quite interested in seeing how V&B deals with historical scenarios, or using the historic army lists to impart more of a distinct national flavour to each side.
Similar to the previous game our start time was a bit soft as we needed to assemble the forces to play. Our suggestion to our host at the end of the game to save time (for all) and aggravation (for him) was to reuse the army lists, and simply box up each army into trays that can be pulled out for the next game. There would also be a continuity advantage as the players could get used to their force. We'll see if the suggestion has found fertile soil or not.
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General Murray is unimpressed with the inconclusive nature of battle. |
On to the battle!
Austrians. Set up occurs in alternating 1/ dice for which wing (or centre) you need to set up first. Game play is across the diagonal (also randomly diced for).
The french force.
Table shot. You can see the large hill dominating the space between the armies. The small lakes also act to hem in the troops.
Hills don't slow troops down almost at all, but seriously slows artillery down. Artillery seemed to be the main hammer to weaken your opponent, and due to command ranges, the slow down of the hills held up the general advances.
The austrians swing wide with their left flank to try and force the French right.
The french through a strong force up the middle on top of the heights. Two reasonable strength divisions are used to block out the flanks.
Turn 2. The austrians race the french to try and take the heights (or contest them) in the centre.
On the left flank (bottom right of the photo), they continue to line up against the french right. The Austrian command takes the hill, I suppose to help anchor their own flank.
Turn 2. The French right flank moves off their hill and starts jockeying for position against the Austrian left.
In the centre, the two armies continue to close on the heights.
In the distance there is still a lot of distance between the two armies on the far flank.
Turn 2. A close up of the right French flank. The cavalry division is threatening the Austrian push on the centre.
This little sideshow would help to drag off some pressure on the centre, which the French were attempting to smash through.
Turn 2. The centre close up. The armies are still too far away even for cannon fire. Musketry occurs within 1 inch (and very ineffective at that). True infantry firefights occur in base to base contact and are bundled into close combat.
Turn 2. French Left. A single flanking division on the left has moved onto the hill, (and skirmishers to the villages (grey) to threaten the wide looping flanking move of a cavalry division.
Meanwhile an infantry division seems to be moving for the gap between the lake and trees. A french reserve division has been left to slow it down.
Turn 3. The austrians move up smartly in the centre and begin to cannonade the french. Infantry is also within 1 inch and begins to attack the advancing French which aren't in the most ideal position.
Turn 3. On the french right, the flanking threat is addressed by the Austrians charging off the hill to hem in the cavalry division.
While infantry are unable to move into base to base contact with horse, they can move up and hit them with musketry. Cavalry is more expensive, and much more brittle (2 hits vs 4 hits) than infantry.
Turn 3 (Austrian turn) table shot.
Turn 3 French. In the centre the french advance their own heavy cannon (vs the austrian medium) and begin counter battery fire. Poor rolls don't do much, although 1 austrian battery is destroyed this turn.
The french in the valley move up the hill, accomodating to the 90 degree bend in the austrian deployment. At the base of the hill some dragoons are covering the flank of the french centre.
Turn 3 French. The french cavalry division is definitely outgunned by the infantry, and begin a slow fallback up the hill.
The austrians will continue to follow them, getting in shots periodically and causing slow but steady casualties on this flank. An interesting dynamic will develop where each side is potentially wide open for a flank attack depending on whether the centre of the flank crumples first.
Turn 3 French.
The austrian cavalry division falls back to rejoin a second cavalry division facing the french flank division ready to die on the hilltop.
The flank division had some crack infantry so they were fairly safe.
Meanwhile the austrian infantry will have some trouble moving around the lake against the reserve division. Trained/drilled troops (basically everything except irregulars and landwehr) get a free turn, at some point in their move, otherwise all troops must move forward or oblique up to 45 degrees. It can make negotiating a turn and facing the 'correct' (safe) direction challenging at time.
Turn 4 Austrian.
Those perfidious white coats! A daring and tricky maneuver by the austrians. With 2 cavalry divisions, they use one to screen the french flanking division (on the hill in the top left).
The second has been moved forward to assist their infantry division with an attack on the heights flank. Things were looking pretty shaky on the french left flank all of a sudden.
Turn 4 Austrian.
The centre, under pressure, moves back and straightens their line.
The cavalry at the base of the hill charges forward to engage the french dragons that were holding the valley floor, and the flank of the french centre.
The french wiff their rolls, and the austrians handily destroy some cavalry, further improving their cavalry superiority.
Turn 4. Austrian.
The french left flank is brought under continual pressure, as the infantry move up to fill the gap the french retreat had left them.
Up next, Part 2 of the game!
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