The plan for 2015
1/. Play 12 wargames (playing it safe with this one)
FAIL. Most surprising to myself, I only noted 8 games. I swore it was more, but it could be the immense amount of roleplaying games, and pretty solid board game performance.
2/.Focus on partially painted painted items (a bit vague, but I hope it will tend to prevent me from starting new things, when I could be finishing off old)
FAIL. I did manage to fully complete some mini projects, buying and then finishing the whole purchase off (a few Russian Naps sets, the 15mm muslims, vietnam fortifications), but I didn't make much damage in the partial projects.
3/. Paint log I can present at the end of the year. Create as I go.
SUCCESS. I *did* lose the thread a bit after july, but a blog is a lovely thing and I just sorted through pics and hammered them in. It'd be cooler to have a single pic with everything, but lots of stuff is packed away still. Nice to see the true product of ones year of output.
4/. Fully paint a project I can host solo.
FAIL. My terrain collection grows, and I can usually set up decent tables. The force and opposing force criteria is awful though. Now that I moved, this objective seems even more important to do.
The plan for 2016
1/. Paint 50 'Bones' figs. I have Bones 3 coming in at some point, so it makes sense to swim against the tide.
2/. Finish 'trays of shame' of 15mm french napoleonics. These have been sitting too long. It's only about 100-150 figs and they are probably 1/3-1/2 done. Time to put them to bed.
3/. Paint up both sides of a game. The most challenging/ambitious one for me. Likely targets include: skirmish forces (mordheim/frostgrave/ambush alley), Cy6! (flight stands are the problem), Spacehulk, or some 15mm sci fi type thing.
4/. Attend a convention. Now that I've moved out of a town that hosts one, this will be more of a stretch.
Jan 12th. Mordheim ogre

Jan 18th. Necromunda ganger/Digga x2
January 30th Perry Russian Officers

Feb 7 Perry Russian Dragoons and Cuirassier

Feb 11 Vaeloth Feb 14 - gzg spacemen

Feb 22 - Heavy Gear Stony Heads Feb 25 - Lg Earth Elemental
Feb 28 Stone Golem Mar 2 - Grandmother

Mar 8 - Ghoul Queen Mar 17 Muriel, Banabus, Grim, Hajad

May - Undertaker & golem

June 7 - Novacorp Sgt

Even with the move you still managed to put out a respectable amount of quality work mate. Very well done.
ReplyDeleteHere's hoping your plans for '16 come to fruition and I'll enjoy following your progress!
Thanks Dai! Hoping we both have lots of success with our goals.