Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Enfilade 2018 - French troops marching...

I'm happy to report I'm completely my troops for the convention (almost a whole week before needed!). Doug (dots of paint) is hosting Eylau this year and has once more parceled out commands to encourage us layabouts to paint up troops for his gaming system.

I selected the Imperial guard which required a massive amount of paints (*sarcasm on*).
Bessieres  5 elements
1  Gd. HC, 2 Gd.Infantry , 1 FA@ 2, 1 HA@2
An element is 1 base. Infantry bases have 8-10 guys. Cavalry is 3. Artillery is 1 gun and crew (usually 4 from most manufacturers). Plus you need a leader (1-2 figs). So total count was about 38 figures (for a CORP). 

There was a bit of nervousness about all this as I finally placed my Perry order January 25, and didn't get them till March 14th. I painted my entire order at the same time as I dislike small batch painting. Nine weeks to bang out 9 cavalry, 4 cannon + 16 crew, and 6 command. This is a good clip for me, especially in spring with all the yard and garden work happening.


  1. Very well done Dave- have a great time this weekend and don't forget to take lots of pictures.

    1. Thanks. I usually take lots of's not uncommon I fail to post them. I'll make sure I at least do a photo dump of the festivities.

  2. Nicely done Dave! Impressive output as usual.

    1. Thanks Dai. You've been flying through your stuff as well I see. Some good painting momentum there.

  3. Looking forward to seeing your team's take on the great Napoleonic Battle.

    Now you will never ever need to paint up Guard units again.


    1. Whoa now, there's still a fair amount of guard related figs to work on. I should know, as I've assembled them and they are sitting in a queue somewhere. Those middle and young fellas....

      I need to get around to writing up the game description in the next few days...
