Monday, May 28, 2018

Enfilade 2018 - Hotwheels HMGs & Human Games by Bruce Smith

I honestly can't add much to the pictures from this game. Table was rich with character and terrain, yet was still highly playable. This was probably helped by the rules being a bit loosy goosy, but it worked very well this group of gamers.

We all had slightly different objectives, all the broken cars could be searched, occupying buildings had a point advantage at the end. Wrecks might be booby trapped or worse (a ufo disgorged a melee monster, and then detonated it's power source later, a few cars exploded, 20ft shipping boxes disgorged zombies). The semi truck was the government who could only attack once fired up. There was a plane bombing (with rockets, bombs, and gas weapons) by request and beer bribery.

My team was the railroaders who cruised across the board painfully slowly. Our objective was to find a critical item in the railyards. Our first major firefight and the train caught on fire and we lost drifted, burning, till it left the board. The crew all hopped ship(train) at the railyards and gave up their itinerant lifestyle.

More pics after the break....


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks! My wife wanted me to take lots of photos so her and her mom could see.

  2. Replies
    1. Yes, it was a fantastic table. So much effort lavished *everywhere*. Quite something to game on.
