Friday, September 7, 2018

15mm French Napoleonic Generals - Old Glory

As part of the "finish that lot of lead you got 7 years ago so you can finally table that force of french" project we have some generals hitting the table. These guys are a single bag of old glory lead. I was a little mystified by some of them (which is not uncommon with napoleonics I find) as they have different head gear and saddle blankets. I suspect that some might actually be ADC (aide du camps) but I wimped out and painted them all as high level officers.

Technically speaking for Napoleons Battles these are all divisional leaders as they are a single model on a 1 inch base. I almost group up some, but I realize I need a fair number of divisional leaders, and I have another bag of 'marshals' which should more than cover the higher level command.

At this point I really only need some heavy cavalry to be able to field all the necessary unit types for my french force. Unsurprisingly I have way more extra units than that to paint, but it's nice to have the choice narrowed for me.


  1. Liking these mate. Nicely done.

    That's how my old ACW Reb's collection ended. Had far too many generals for them. Kinda glad I painted 6 and then when I sold the army, the new owner could worry about what to do with the rest! :)

    1. It seems to be a common problem with any sort of bag of 'command' lead. A metric ton of figs. Hopefully this isn't some sort of curse where I ditch my own army b/c of the excess command. eek!

  2. Nice work on these "old" Old Glory figures. I always liked the original Dave Alsop sculpted range of Napoleonics. Many of these are in my armies as well.

    1. I regret to say I rarely consider who has sculpted figures. There are a few 'celebrity' sculptors that I recognize the name of, and can see real differences in how they sculpt, but largely these artists beaver away unknown.
      Thanks for sharing Alsops name. I did a quick look and saw a short thread on tmp. Did he do much of the old glory range?
