Wednesday, June 12, 2024

2024 Enfilade - eye candy post

 Enfilade lost it's venue in early 2024 (redevelopment of the hotel into condos) and they managed to find an alternative venue in Tacoma. The main game room was pretty snug, and as a result very loud. Vendors were in the hallway just outside which hopefully didn't affect their sales too much. The bring and buy was surprisingly full.....hard to know if it was because of a different room configuration or actual greater volumes. 

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

2024 Enfilade - Last ride of the Dust Devil Boys

 Friday traffic was awful and I got to the convention late, so my signed up game had filled. I ended up hoping into the game my friend James ran. Each player made a cowboy (points to buy equipment and ability upgrades). My cowboy, The Book Man, had a thoroughbred horse, charm, and mad horse skillz. Order of play was by a deck of cards with facecards giving some minor bonus. 



The outlaws have made their last big score and are racing towards Mexico with the largest posse every assembled coming after them. Resistance is futile, they have to escape, but only glory lives forever so their job is to get the most renown (individually). 

I forget some of the names, but 'Kissing Kate', Lord Byron <something>, and Rusty Red (?) I think made appearances.