Wednesday, October 30, 2024

Hammfest 2024 GdC - Battle of Friedland 1807 (part 1)

 The main event on Saturday for Hammfest 2024 was a General du Corp (fast play corp scale convention rulseset) game of Friedland. Historically Friedland sees a Russian force under Bennigsen spotting an isolated French force (under Lannes) and deciding to beat it up. Sluggish command sees a slow/poorly developed attack which is well held off by the french while the Corsican Ogre marches to relieve Lannes. Then a great smackdown of the Russians ensues as they have (the opposite of) cleverly placed their forces with their backs to a river. 


James, Peter and I played the Russians and decided to attempt the historical attack...but better. With 20/20 hindsight (and warning at the start of the game) we knew that a kickass level of French were going to show up. We were hopeful we could break the French corp quickly. The Russians had a number of static artillery batteries stuck on the East sides of the Alle river....perfect to offer us good covering fire when we decided to conduct a fighting withdraw. As we would. Seth, Ron and Kevin (and eventually Doug himself with the Imperial Guard were our perfidious opponents.

Friday, October 25, 2024

Hammfest 2024 - don't roll sixes

Some eye candy pictures of one of the side games at Hammfest this year. 

Doug has hosted a weekend of gaming in Surrey, BC each August for many years. As is the norm our big Saturday game was a General du Corp (multi corp, divisions as moving element) game. Usually there are some other smaller games on the Friday and Sunday as well (and later Saturday if we are still full of energy). This year I got a chance to play 'don't roll sixes'. I believe it was first trailed at enfilade in May, and comes as a big of an evolution of hussar rampant (inspired by dragon rampant) and Doug's frequent claims that he can't roll 6's to save his life. Thus.......6's are bad news in this game. 




We were encourage to bring a squad or two (12 or 6) of dark ages minis. I was planning on showing up with hobgoblins but my painting schedule fell apart. Luckily there were heaps to go around. A raid on a small village opposed by the defenders makes an easy set up. 


Saturday, October 19, 2024

NetEpic Armeggedon learning game. Marines vs Guard

 On Friday I finally got a chance to try Epic warhammer (technically the netepic rules, which are living rule updates of the epic armeggedon ruleset with is....4th edition of epic?). I have wanted to play this for a long time, and owned the rules at one point, but couldn't quite understand how to set up and win a game. Turns out I'm not an idiot, it wasn't really in the base rulebook and came out later with a tournament back. 

Graham hosted an intro game for Nick, Peter and myself. I took one side and Nick and Paul took the other side. Each sides was two 1000 pt forces, so it worked out well. A 'normal' game is 3 or 4k, and Graham intentionally omitted the more advance things (like indirect fire, and airplanes, teleportation, etc).

I had space marines (blood angels in red and ultramarines in blue). In hindsight my troops were a bit mobility challenged as the infantry blobs had smaller stomp walkers(dreadnoughts) that couldn't go as fast as their transports. Definitely a frustration for me during the game. Opposing force was imperial guard which get lots and lots of tanks, big tanks, and mechanized infantry. And super long range  tank killers. 



It's a bit hard to describe a play by play as it runs with alternating activations. You often only play to the end of turn 3 and the victory conditions give a clear winner. Victory points are based around control of objectives (placed by both sides in the beginning), as well as breaking your opponents most potent/expensive unit, and racing to seize the objective on the opponents baseline.



My tanks (landraiders) were able to rush forward and seriously mess up Petes mech infantry advance (note to self, always debuss the infantry). Unfortunately Pete's highly effective and long range tank killer unit then proceeded to remove 2 of my 4 tanks. My rolling was pretty abysmal, so even 3+ and 4+ saves weren't doing much for me. In that I had good company as Nick and Pete suffered from bad rolls most of the game as well. 


Nick was able to aggressively rush some of my high mobility, short range land speeders (skimmer units) and almost destroy them. This pretty much removed any chance I had at scooping his objectives in the back field. 

I suspect I eked out the win largely based on my objective placement and close attention to controlling them. I played flames of war for a while and it's all objectives so perhaps I was a bit more attuned to the principles. I remember in May running an adeptus titanicus game where the losing side pretty much forgot to contest an was a bit surprising but probably shouldn't be. If you aren't used to living and dying (winning and losing) base on objectives and are more attuned to blasting your opponent off the table and can see how it could happen.

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

AAR: Fields of Glory Carthage vs Rome, the revenge

 A couple of weeks later Nate and I managed a rematch. It turns out there are some FOG version 3 army lists with much more flexibility to army construction. I think one of the challenges for me with Carthage was all the mandatory units and our low point value games (due to time constraints). I ended up ejecting the light cavalry, took larger hoplite units, and manage to find space for some medium foot. I also ungraded my elephants thinking they'd last longer (i.e. not go poof after losing one base....which isn't true, but skill rerolls definitely help avoiding combat losses). 

Some eye candy to see the painted armies. Clicking on the photos should bring up larger shots....

In a totally non partisan way the Carthaginians are obviously WAY better looking. Too bad looks don't add to combat performance (the opposite if anything).

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

AAR: Fields of Glory Carthage Vs Rome

Some more eye candy from a game
I had in July with Nate at the local game store. We both managed to have some time off midday for a quick game, so played on the lower end of the points scale. Nate always harangues me to field my elephants to they hit the my detriment. They are such a glass cannon....a bad roll can really have them go poof with achieving little. 


Overall we agreed my strategy/tactics were superior but my dice were abysmal and it was a clear defeat before our time ran out. Carthage (me) managed to have a flanking force that arrived. My match ups were....mostly equal and better in a spot or two. Amazingly my kill rolls (do your bases actually go poof) were TERRIBLE (worst we have ever seen) and my army was rapidly whittled away. Once it starts you are on the back foot.


The flanking light cavalry raced in to sack the Romans camp (proxied by a library card). This, in theory, should have made it easier to break the Roman force and sweep them from the field.