Monday, January 6, 2020

2020 Resolutions

After some rumination on I've decided to make my resolutions with some 'stretch goals'. I reckon I can make some 'easy win' resolutions that can, nonetheless, be extended into harder to achieve items that might otherwise create a silly long list. Generally speaking there will be 3 levels of success to achieve, and hopefully this means I will get less total failures in 12 months and more qualified success.
1/. Host cowboy game - play unpainted//partially painted//fully painted
The prepainted buildings I have seemed to be popular and one of the local gamers already wants an invite. So.....the demand is there. Painted status really refers to cowboy figs. I'm a little dubious I have enough so that may direct a bit of spending this year.

2/. Paint Austrians for enfilade// paint hussar rampant for enfilade //paint 2 sides for hussar rampant
It looks as though I'm setting up to paint roughly 100 figs for my contribution. The hussar rampant stuff will be another 6 or 12 cavalry so I'm dubious I'd reach the final target.

3/. Frostgrave OR hardwired OR Pulp Alley OR some osprey skirmish ruleset - play unpainted//paint one side//paint both sides
I've been expressing a desire to play a skirmish game for years. It's time to do it, and damn the need for painted figs. If I like it and play then painting will follow I suspect. There is also the likelyhood that any figs I table will easily port between most of the rules mentioned above.

4/. Decreased Kickstarter & nerdery expenditures by 20%//Only 3 kickstarters in the year//no kickstarters
2019 was a big year for acquisitions. This must be brought under control. Kickstarters are ever so tempting, but I actually like some of the smaller offerings the most, so hopefully putting a cap on absolute numbers will result in ignoring big shiny stuff in favor of the indie stuff.

5/. # of blog posts/regular hobby updates: 26 in a year// at least 2 per month// 1 every 2 weeks
While the numbers are literally the same over the course of the year, the important thing is the frequency. Vomiting forth a half dozen posts in a month and then silence for half a year is sub-standard.

6/. Minimum figs: 1 per week (easy...)//stretch 1 per week not enfilade related
Lol. The 1st stage should be easy given my enfilade commitments. It should probably be doubled.

7/. paint and/or give away more than I buy (negative growth)//paint more
 The most likely resolution to fail miserably.


  1. All reasonable goals for the year; best to have soft/flexible targets as it is a hobby after all.

    1. I'm hoping this flexible target thing will work for me. Someone posted about doing resolutions in quarterly installments which I thought seemed pretty brilliant too.....

  2. All doable goals Dave. Wish you luck on keeping to this!

    1. Thanks Dai! It'd be great to have some more wins this year than losses =P

  3. Cowboy! Yeah!

    Any painting and or acquisitions are always best tied to a particular game display or system. The more particular you can be with the game, era or date for hosting/playing the game then the more focus you have on getting things done.

    A focus that worked best for me was a game for hosting in a particular genre. Example, Eylau in Napoleonics. I had the French needed, most of the Russian foot, none of the artillery, crew and less than half of the cavalry. With a 6 month focus I was able to get them all done in time for the game (with snow special effects!)

    By narrowing down to, say your cowboys game, and setting a date for it, then everything else becomes clear. Clarity is power.

    Game on!

    1. Yes, working to deadlines is helpful. I find it enervating though. I'm usually a bit burnt by the time enfilade is finished and looking forward to having nothing in particular to paint. Perhaps that is part of the problem....

  4. you know me im game for point 1 & 3. I can help on point 4 buy not sending you cool kickstarter links anymore too :P

    1. All help much appreciated. Especially the reduction of tempting kickstarters. =P
