Thursday, May 4, 2023

Frostgrave AAR: Dark Alchemy mini campaign 2: Skeletal Run

 Part two of our Dark Alchemy campaign sees the two warbands working together to escape the Alchemical Factory. It's been established that a fire has started which is driving the warbands, and various wandering monsters, out. This second adventure sees the warbands needing to traverse a wide area infested with undead.....who are strangely on fire. Is this some sort of petrochemical greek fire concoction fueled by magic to burn eternally? I'm sure our wizards would love to know!

Cleverly Garret matched the tower we escaped into last game as the starting location for this one.

 The two wizards cast their appraising eye over the terrain and spy the exit. The greedy nature of wizards in general see our natural antagonism develop as we start trying to sneak the treasures that 'ought' to belong to one another away from them.



 The exit resides between the two statues. Largely this is a pictorial essay with brief notes after this. Enjoy.










 The parties split up on either side, with the high initiative going for the 'better' side.








Already the wizards are racking up hits to empower spells, and in the background one of the henchman had a dodgy encounter with the first of the flaming skeletons.

Garrets Sigilist warband is in the lead taking treasure chests. He does seem to draw more of the skellies though.

The ominous development is that both warbands are being fairly sneaky (assisted by lots of blocking terrain). In absence of obvious targets the skellies all head to the exit door and mill around as a big road block. It's going to be slightly problematic for whomever triggers them.

My druid (witch) has been having some poor luck with casting rolls. This seems to be a reoccuring theme with me. The approach is slower, more circuitous, and has more difficult terrain to cover. That sigilist is a jerk taking the easy route and grabbing the fast treasure. I hope something takes him down a peg....
Like triggering a bunch of undead. And having a wandering zombie stagger in from the side lines.

Hilarity ensues as another of the wandering undead contacts the sigilist. Garret is forced to regroup and his wizard is getting perilously short of health.

Meanwhile my druid warband is sneaking up and preparing for a rush. You know, when the rest of those ravenous flaming undead finally decide to cook up some sigilist.

Dismayed by the continuing undead build up the Druid decides to force the issue. "You there, whatever your name is, go distract them *casts jump and rockets the poor victim into the nearby building in full view of the undead*

We'll help you later... honnneeessssttttttttt

 With the gates wide open both warbands are able to dash for freedom. In an amazing case of truth telling the 'bait' of the druids warband IS rescued by fancy spell work. And a couple of rounds of fine rolling for fighting. 

Despite the shenanigans both warbands are running in very close proximity for treasure and xp.


  1. Very nice terrain and very fun write up. General attitude of well cooperate but not cooperate. Like sorry not sorry. 😀

    1. Haha yes. The cooperation is certainly eroding quickly. First game there was a spell or two thrown to help one another. Not so this game. Who knows how the next will's enforced cooperation by scenario design but that only goes so far.

  2. Ooohhh, looks like you had a pretty exciting game, the pics look awesome!

    1. Thanks Suber. It was good times. We have learned (the hard way) that close combat can be super variable with damage going either way, so there is certainly an element of risk in any combat and thus it is more exciting and meaningful decisions.

  3. Very nice games to read about mate. Will there be more in the near future?

    1. Sorry for the delay Dai. In, not the near future. Summer has struck and made it hard to get games in. I'm sure things will settle back in come fall.
